Adventuring in Oxford and beyond 


Brandon's Turn

I was instructed that I (Brandon) need to do the next post.  Prepare for a waltz through an artistic genius's gallery.

So, here's us. . .

. . .in Keeble College's quad . . .

. . .and we went to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History where they have remains of really big trees (for scale, for those of you who don't know, I'm about 6'3"). . .

. . .and a model of a cross-eyed T-Rex. . .

. . .and British boys that don't like cross-eyed T-Rexi (is that the plural for T-Rex?) . . .

. . .and, finally, an old, small sculpture of a snake sculpted by Irish who didn't know that snakes don't have ears. . .

That's all for now.  My course begins this upcoming Wednesday.  If you would, please pray for mine and Claire's selection of a church to serve at this upcoming year; it's proving to be a more challenging decision than anticipated.  Lastly, it's been recommended to record "what Brandon is currently reading" on a regular basis.  Having just finished John Stott's The Cross of Christ, I am now trying to finish J. Gresham Machen's What is Faith?.  Prayers for my reading ability are also welcomed.


  1. Prayers headed your way (especially for the reading, just kidding). Hope everything else is going well, I will try to call you after Mattie makes her arrival (maybe towards the middle of the week before we get home, not sure). I love you guys!


  2. that british kid is crackin me up.

    when you gonna get past those weak sauce reader's digest articles?

    skype. soon.

    praying for you two.

    this is joe (for some reason my account name is Auburn Wesley?? weird, i know)

  3. can i just say i'm impressed you posted on the blog? my prayers are with you both! especially in finding a church to serve, glenn and i are in the same position right now in mobile, so i ask that y'all be praying for us as well. love y'all!
