Adventuring in Oxford and beyond 


Flat F

When we were choosing where to live, the North Oxford Overseas Centre (NOOC) stood out because of its central location and excellent price. The pictures on the website showed a furnished apartment that, though small, would be sufficient for a ten month stay.
We have been really pleased with our choice, for many reasons. There are many different nationalities represented here (last year they had residents from over 55 different countries!); the staff has been so helpful and kind;  it's just a 10 minute walk to Wycliffe Hall, where Brandon's classes will be; and the City Centre (where you can find or do almost anything) is only about a half hour's walk.
I will say, though, that we had a good laugh when we actually walked into this place for the first time. We both had images in our mind of the layout; both were different, and both were wrong! Kitchen behind a door? Bedroom + office + dining area in one? Nope, we both agreed, didn't picture it that way!
Believe it or not, we've noticed a lot of benefits to this cozy setup. A small fridge means more thoughtful meal planning and less food wasted. We've been careful about what we purchase because we need to be efficient with our space. And a desire to "get out!" every now and then will push us to eat in the community dining area or watch TV in the common room, and hopefully meet some of the other residents. 

So, here it is! (Please ignore the fact that I look so goofy in the opening of this video.)
Flat F


  1. Claire! I love how upbeat and optimistic you are! Your flat is nice and cozy and it looks like you have utilized all available space. I can't wait to read more about your stay!

  2. this won't be the first time i comment...but I'm wildy jealous of you two. glad the trip went well. hope to skype soon!

  3. we are checking your site daily
    we miss you
    echo and nuc med

  4. OMG that place is so small......I'm sure you know that but WOW!! It will be great though cause it will force ya'll to get out and meet new people and experience new things. When does Brandon start scool? Glad to see you made it safe. Post more when you can!

    Be Safe-Jessica Farley

  5. LOVE FLAT F!!! And nice camera work Brando! The salad was a real highlight!

  6. LOVE the video. What a great idea! And is very small, but, as many have mentioned, it will allow you to "get out" and meet others/explore the town/etc.
    SO excited for you guys! We hope to come visit!

    Love you both-Kelly & Tyler
