Adventuring in Oxford and beyond 


Leavin', on a jet plane...

We're here!
Ok, so we've been here This actually marks day three in Oxford for us. It has taken me a bit to post because we've been trying to get some things done first (like unpack, buy groceries, set up a bank account, and learn our way around.) I'm going to post about these days separately because it's 10 p.m. here and I'm listening to Brandon snore and hoping to do the same soon! So, let's start with the day prior to departure...that way the title makes more sense.

The Eidsons were kind to host my mom and sister on Sunday afternoon/evening so we could all spend time together before leaving. We enjoyed a great dinner together (which included a surprise visit from Jordan Britt, who just happened to be passing through Birmingham!) and got a lot of time to hang out Sunday night and Monday morning. 

Here's a shot of our families at the Eidsons' house in Birmingham right before we headed to Atlanta for our flight; the Hudgins (above) and Eidsons (below).
We said a teary goodbye to my family in Birmingham; a quick "hello" and "goodbye" to my aunt and uncle, Carol and Jerry Moore, once we got to the airport; and then had one last set of hugs with Brandon's parents before getting in line for security. Once on the other side of security, we waved goodbye to the Eidsons and made our way to terminal E. At 11 p.m. we boarded the plane, bound for London!


  1. Glad you made it safely and love the blog idea! Charlie and I want to blog during our time travel nursing and publish it when we're done as a way to remember our adventure : )


  2. Yahoo! So glad you guys are there, safe and sound! love the pics with your mom/auburn and the eidsons. we look fwd to keeping in touch with you guys via blog and skype! love-kelly&tyler

  3. Yay Claire & Brandon! So happy for y'all. I had no idea y'all were moving. Hope all is well, and I WILL be keeping up via this blog. We have one :)

  4. Rebecca- you should definitely do that! You'd have some great stories to share.
    Kelly- we're skyping til we can iChat. Find us at claire.eidson or brandon.eidson.
    Thanks Magen! We are glad you'll be keeping up with us! I need to track your blog too. Hope everyone is doing well at the Davis house!

  5. thanks for the updates please continue miss yall bunches love flea
