Adventuring in Oxford and beyond 


May Morning

In Oxford on the first day of May, the Magdalen College choristers sing the "Hymnus Eucharisticus" from the Great Tower to celebrate the coming of spring. We definitely wanted to be a part of this Oxford tradition, but were not so keen for the 4:30 alarm.
Well, apparently when the alarm went off this morning, I just turned it off. At 5:03 I got a text from Sarah asking if we were coming, so Brandon and I quickly got ready and walked over.
Well, we didn't get quite the view as others, but it was a beautiful morning anyway. Here's a view of High Street in the earlier hours of the day:
 Minus the hundreds of people. (I couldn't promise that though, since I've never been on High Street at 6 a.m.) Anyway, lots of students stay up all night partying on the last night of April, then stagger over to the college in the early hours of the morning to hear the choir sing. 
Click here to have a listen (and don't mind the middle part where Brandon chokes on coffee :)
Choristers at the top...
 ...big crowd at the bottom.
Here's a group doing song and dance in front on the steps of the Clarendon Building. As you can see, people made costumes for this event. One guy was walking around as a tree (literally- you couldn't see anything but his feet). There were also headbands made out of different types of foliage, as you can also see above.
We were just glad to get there in time.
Wishing you a happy start to your May!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are adorable....but Brandon needs a haircut! Look fwd to seeing you in AUGUST!
